Saturday, May 30, 2020
Colleges Turning to Waitlists
Colleges Turning to Waitlists May 13 More colleges have been turning to their waitlists these past few days. More universities over these past few days have been turning to their waitlists. Brown University, Vanderbilt University, and the University of Chicago all recently turned to the waitlists, admitting students into their incoming classes. So much for the folks who suggest that being waitlisted might as well be a rejection. We always smile and nod when folks suggest as much. They can think that. If only they knew. If an applicant chooses to do nothing while on the waitlist, those folks are right. Their status on the waitlist might as well be a rejection. Inundate the admissions office with all one has accomplished since first applying to the university and ones waitlist status might as well be a rejection. But approach the waitlist the right way and your status on the waitlist could well lead to an offer of admission. We were even featured in an article recently in â€Å"Bloomberg†in which the title of the article suggested that being on the waitlist might as well be a rejection. It’s simply not the case (we had no say in the journalist’s choice of a title for her piece). Our years of experience in helping students gain admission off waitlists informs us that waitlists are not necessarily  not necessarily at all  a road to nowhere. There is a road to nowhere but college waitlists don’t lead there (heck, theres even a 1980s rock song by David Byrne of Talking Heads). So for all of those pessimists who believed being waitlisted was nothing to get too excited about, we’ve heard from a whole bunch of happy students and parents of late to counter your intuitions. We’re sorry you were wrong? Not really, not really at all. Congratulations to all of our students who continue to work their way off of college waitlists! And, for those folks who havent yet heard, realize that many colleges continue to turn to their waitlists as late as late August! Well after youve already deposited (and in some casespacked) for another university.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
The Social Structure Of The Caribbean - 1072 Words
Introduction The social structure of the Caribbean has been greatly influenced by colonization and slavery; it is indeed based on differences associated with class, race or color, ethnicity and culture. The identity of the Caribbean has been formed through a variety of forces like migration, whether force or voluntary, miscegenation and political and social reforms. Although there are many explanations as to how the plantation system affected the Caribbean region but, it is evident that it did create a unique identity within the Caribbean region. There’s a mixture of race, class, ethnicity and culture that created a creolized society. The Europeans came from a far different background from the Africans and so they mixed and created a cultural identity that is truly Caribbean. Many argued that slavery in the Caribbean has destroyed the life of many people and left them searching for an identity. Jacobs 2002 states that â€Å"slavery in the Caribbean is believed to be one of th e most devious crimes against humanity†. Slavery was not just an economic activity but a process of indoctrination and culture eraser. It left the Caribbean â€Å"Afro phobic†still mentally trying to express themselves through dance, language, music and religion.†The Social Structure of the Caribbean During slavery the social structure of the Caribbean was based on hierarchy, where the whites were in total control of the blacks. The Amerindians and the blacks were subordinated andShow MoreRelatedThe Conflict Perspective On Class Struggles1038 Words  | 5 PagesThe family is a social institution present in all human societies. A family unit is a group of people sharing a relationship based on biology, marriage, or adoption. The conflict perspective refers to the inequalities that exist in all societies. The conflict perspective originated from out of Karl Max’s writings on class struggles. This perspective presents society in a different light than do the functionalist and symbolic interactionist perspectives. This perspective focuses on the negativeRead MoreThe Social Ills Of Caribbean Society1349 Words  | 6 PagesSOCI1002: Introduction to Sociology Essay Topic: â€Å"Matrifocality underpins the social ills in Caribbean society†. Discuss in relation to the relevant theoretical perspectives and the traditional and emergent role of the family in the contemporary Caribbean. The family has been described as the cornerstone of society. Denise Fyffe puts it as the birthplace of society and is the most basic economical, political, and social unit. In fact, anthropological studies have indicated that the family has existedRead MorePlantation Society and Creole Society Essay example793 Words  | 4 PagesCreole Society There is a vast range of cultural diversity in the Caribbean today. 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They examine a culture which was created out of the chaos of slavery, colonialism and the integration of cultures thatRead MoreSocial Stratification864 Words  | 4 PagesSOCIAL STRATIFICATION AND SOCIAL MOBILITY IN THE CARIBBEAN Presenter Ms. N. Lewis What is social Stratification? ï ¬ This refers to the ranking of social groups according to one or more criteria deemed important to society. ï ¬ The ranking indicates that some groups have more and others have less of what society values- for example, money, power and prestige. Types of stratification Systems There are two types of stratification systems: 1. Closed system of stratification 2. Open system of stratificationRead More The Caribbean’s Cultural History Essay1701 Words  | 7 PagesThe Caribbean’s Cultural History Columbus’ discovery in 1492 set off a chain of events in the emergence of the Caribbean society, as Knight states in his book The Caribbean. The first voyage of Columbus in 1492 fortuitously discovered a whole new world and set in motion a chain of events whose profound consequences gave new directions to the histories of Europe, Africa, the Americas, and Asia. It was the voyages of Columbus and those who followed him that brought the Americas into the consciousnessRead More The Caribbean Essay1123 Words  | 5 PagesThe Caribbean The inhabited islands clustered in the Caribbean Sea are an interesting study in cultural and social identity. Colonized by european powers from the Fifteenth Century, the Caribbean islands have become mixtures of cultures from Europe, Africa, and India, as well as from the original inhabitants of the islands. As a result, describing and defining the Caribbean is a much more difficult task than it appears on the surface. The norms and ideas of identity and history that exist on oneRead MoreHistory: Sociology and Caribbean1708 Words  | 7 Pagesprocess during one period of time in their historic accounts. For Caribbean states, this period was also a mark of re-development and re-establishment of economies and societies. Emancipation in the Caribbean was the catalyst for many positive steps in the future but also setback in humanity with respect to human rights. In this paper one will analyze the structural techniques and traits used to facilitate the construction of Caribbean s ocieties, post emancipation. Furthermore, one will also identifyRead MoreThe Family Aspect Of The Quilt1139 Words  | 5 PagesIn a perfect world, the Caribbean is like a quilt that has been stitched together by a mother or grandmother. It eventually comes together to form a unique blanket that incorporates a multi-dimensional group of different pieces of colors and sizes in its final product. The maternal aspect of the quilt, represents the Euro-colonial influence that was responsible for the colonialization of the Caribbean region. All patches have their own unique shape and design, and eventually come together to makeRead MoreEssay about Life of a Slave in the Caribbean1450 Words  | 6 Pagesin the Caribbean The experience of Caribbean slavery is vital in understanding the contemporary social structure of the region. It was the introduction of an estimated four million Africans to the Caribbean which made these islands melting pots of culture and society. Since Africans had such a tremendous impact on the region, it is important that we recognize the nature of slavery and how it transformed their lives. Although most agree that the institution was dehumanizing, the social relations
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about The Man Who Counted - 1450 Words
After reading the book The Man Who Counted by Malba Tahan, I learned a lot more about mathematics and how it can be viewed as an art form. The two main characters, Hanak Tade Maia, the man that became friends with the man who counted, and Beremiz Samir, the counting man, talk about their adventures and their jobs they both get with royalty. The book is basically filled with the stories and adventures of the Counting Man told by him and what Maia views. The book is told in sequential order starting from a memory of how Maia and Beremiz met, which was when Maia found him dressed in rags on the side of the road in the desert blurting out random seven digit numbers. This book was very well written and interesting enough to keep the reader’s†¦show more content†¦I already have told a lot of my friends about this book because even though it’s a bit confusing, it’s also fascinating to think that someone like this young man (who is only 26 years old) can be so p henomenal when it comes it math. He really sparked and kept my interest, I think that I was most intrigued by the authors writing style. This book made me see math more as a subject that one could actually look into more than just numbers, I can see the actual attractiveness to mathematics because of the stories that were told throughout this novel. When it comes to this book, I didn’t think I could learn much from a fictional novel. I did find out that even though this book was fictional, I learned a great deal. I learned to appreciate math as an art form, and how number correlations are so fascinating. The counting man shows the reader what â€Å"perfect numbers†are, how to get the perfect correlation, and why he is so good at math. At one point, the counting man estimated the amount of birds in a giant bird cage, correctly to come out at some absurd number of 500 and something. After being told to tell his employer how many birds there were in the cage, which he di d without any trouble at all, the counting man convinced his employer to set them free because than their numbers will soar. He meant literally and figuratively, literally because the birds will soar, and figuratively because than they will be free to mate and have spawn so theirShow MoreRelatedTheme of Success in Yuset Komunyaka ´s Glory and Emily Dickinson ´s Success is Counted Sweetest539 Words  | 3 PagesSuccess is Counted Sweetest by Emily Dickinson share the theme of success. Success is the achievement of an intention that was planned or attempted. Success not only requires bravery and courage, but hard work and determination. The theme of success in the poem, Glory, comes from the success achieved by the young men playing baseball. The theme of success in the poem, Success is Counted Sweetest, comes from the achievement of victory in battle. The theme of success in Glory and Success is Counted SweetestRead MoreMark Twain Emily Dickinson1045 Words  | 5 Pagesmany examples of writers that have originated in America. Mark Twain wrote Extracts from Adams Diary a playful short story of how man met woman. Emily Dickinsons Success is Counted Sweetest is a poem on how when one succeeds it brings joy into the effort that was put forth. One may learn a great deal from reading works of literature. The poem â€Å"Success is Counted Sweetest†by Emily Dickinson is a poem that may bring back childhood memories of a competitive rivalry. The poem speaks about havingRead MoreThe Six Functions Of Rhetoric1482 Words  | 6 Pagespoem. Incidentally, Dickinson’s poem also contains multiple characteristics and functions of rhetoric. From the data collected and interpreted, we may categorize Lincoln’s â€Å"Second Inaugural Address†as a rhetorical speech and Dickinson’s â€Å"Success Is Counted Sweetest†as a poem containing rhetorical characteristics. Lincoln’s speech announces to announce to his people, the Union, the Civil War, was unavoidable. In his first few paragraphs, the President claims that he has no new knowledge of the warRead MoreAnalysis Of Longitude By Dava Sobel1356 Words  | 6 Pagesdiscovery. As you read through this paper you will get an understanding of the topics Sobel talked about in her book such as, the shipwrecks and tragedies that occurred without longitude at sea, the two competing methods to find longitude and the man who discovered it. The first part of the book Dava Sobel focuses on why all of a sudden there was a push for a method of finding longitude. Sailors were always able to find their latitude, which was always parallel lines that were parallel to each otherRead More The Role of Women in Judaism Essay1154 Words  | 5 Pageswithin the religion they are considered as equals. In Judaism, God is not viewed as a male or female. They believe that God has both masculine and feminine qualities. Some Jewish people refer to God as a man only for convenience, not because they actually believe that he is a male. Both man and woman were created in the image of God. Some even believe that women were created with higher role of importunacy because they were built (Gen 2:22) rather then formed (Gen 2:7). In traditional OrthodoxRead MoreThe Role of Belonging in Film and Print Essay921 Words  | 4 Pagesexemplified in the final scenes of conflict between Proctor and the courts. The conflict is between the two groups the court and Proctor who is counted as against the court. It is evident that two groups have been established when Danforth exclaims to the Salem court â€Å"that a person is either with this court or he must be counted against it.†As Proctor has been counted against the court, he has been accused of being a witch. Throughout the play, Proctor has been portrayed as a non conformist. Read MoreThe Civil War Essay947 Words  | 4 Pagesto Emily Dickinson’s Success Is Counted Sweetest Both The Second Inaugural Address and Success is Counted Sweetest were referenced about the Civil War. Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address took Socrate’s rhetorical approach in that Lincoln tried to influence the souls of his audience. Dickinson’s Success is Counted Sweetest was less direct to her audience but nonetheless conveyed her message go triumph being more significant to he who failed rather than to he who attained victory. The Civil WarRead MoreFederalist Paper : The Federalist Papers1399 Words  | 6 Pagesa part of the Constitution. Of these, the Three-Fifths Compromise, the Electoral College, and the Bill of Rights were the some of the most important and most controversial. Madison who wrote the 54th Federalist paper discussed the Three-Fifths Compromise at length, defending the addition of this clause. Hamilton who wrote 68th Federalist paper defends the process that the Constitution institutes for electing a president. The Bill of Rights were discussed in the 84th Federalist paper which was alsoRead MoreHe Needs This Money Badly876 Words  | 4 PagesI responded. Once dad parked the car, we got out and started to walk to the doors of the building. As we approached the doors, there were three men. One man had a baseball bat, the other had a steel bar about 2 feet long. The last man had a fur coat on that made him look like Babe Ruth. At that moment I knew who they were. They were the men who gave dad the money, and they wanted it back. â€Å"Hey kid, go up to your father’s room, he’ll be up in a couple minutes.†The guy in the fur coat told me crackingRead MoreRonald Reagan s President Of The United States1129 Words  | 5 PagesWar II. For all practical purposes, Ronald Reagan was a president who accomplished more than he set forth to do and did so famously; some would say infamously. Nevertheless, Reagan accomplished more in his eight year presidency than most presidents of the 20th Century. He is widely hailed as the man who ended the Cold War and will forever be remembered as the man who led to the conservative resurgence in America. He was a man of profound ability and charisma and America is better off for having
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Literature Step by Step Wicked free essay sample
Theme In the novel Step by Wicked Step by Anne Fine, the theme that can be found is surviving divorce and remarriage The first challenge is getting used to complicated living arrangements. Ralph had to remember whose house to go to on different days of the week. He ended up having two different lunch boxes to remind him where to go. Another challenge is to accept a stepparent and stepsiblings. Pixie had a tough time trying to get along with her stepsisters, Hetty and Sophie. She was annoyed when she had to share a room with Hetty The last challenge is loyalty. Claudia was not friendly to Stella at first because she did not want to hurt her mother. She was worried that being nice to Stella would mean that she is disloyal to her mother It is not easy to cope with divorce and remarriage. It takes a lot of patience, tolerance and acceptance Most Interesting Character In the novel Step by Wicked Step by Anne Fine, the most interesting character is Pixie Pixie is interesting because she is smart. We will write a custom essay sample on Literature Step by Step Wicked or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page She was the first to realize what the five pupils had in common Besides that, Pixie is very imaginative. She is able to create ghost stories to scare Hetty from staying in the same room with her Pixie is outspoken and honest. She tells Lucy exactly what she thought of her daughters. She also told Lucy that she hated pretending that everything is all right Pixie is interesting because she is smart, imaginative, outspoken and honest One Moral Value In the novel Step by Wicked Step by Anne Fine, a moral value that can be found is love and devotion The first character who showed love and devotion is Richard’s mother. She spent a lot of money seeking for Richard although she had to suffer Reverend Coldstone’s anger and disapproval. Another character who demonstrated love and devotion is Charlotte. She continued her mother’s search for her brother, Richard. Since she did not have any money, she married a rich man she did not love at 16. Colin showed love and devotion too. He kept his Dad’s tobacco tin and hummed their favorite song. He does three paper rounds to earn money to search for his Dad when he is old enough These characters have greatly showed their love and devotion. They proved that people will do anything for the ones they love A Memorable Incident In the novel Step by Wicked Step by Anne Fine, a memorable incident is the death of Richard’s father The first change that Richard had to face is his mother’s marriage to Reverend Coldstone. Richard hated his stepfather because he enforced strict rules and made Richard feels that his house was like a prison. He also sent Richard away to Mordanger School for four years Another change is betrayal. Richard felt that his mother had betrayed him when she allowed Reverend Coldstone to treat him badly. He also felt betrayed when Charlotte persuaded him not to hate his stepfather Finally, Richard decided to run away and vanish. His departure caused financial ruin and heartbreak to his mother and sister. His mother spent a lot of money to search for him. Charlotte married a man she did not love to continue the search after their mother died The death of Richard’s father brought about a lot of changes to Richard’s family. Most of them are sorrowful. From this incident, we must remember that we should be courageous in difficult times and not let others suffer from our bad decisions Problems Faced By A Character In the novel Step by Wicked Step by Anne Fine. Colin had a few problems and had his own ways of overcoming them The first problem that Colin had is when his mother suddenly decided to move away without his dad’s knowledge. He was always waiting for his dad to come to see them but he never did. So, he wrote a letter to his dad, but he never received any reply Another problem is Colin missed his dad very much. Colin consoled himself by pretending his dad was around. He would put his dad’s tobacco tin under his pillow, hummed their favorite song and finally unscrewed the lid of the tin to take in the smell of his dad Colin wants to find his dad. But he cannot do it now as he does not have enough money and is not old enough. So, he does three paper rounds to save enough money to find his dad when he is older Problems are common in life. We must think carefully of how we want to solve it so that the consequences of our decision will not trouble others Compare Two Characters In the novel Step by Wicked Step by Anne Fine, I choose two compare two characters that are similar Richard and Colin The first similarity is both Richard and Colin are missing their fathers. Richard’s father died of an illness while Colin was missing his father after his mother decided to move away without his father’s knowledge Another similarity is their mothers ignore both of them. Richard’s mother did not defend him when Reverend Coldstone treated him badly. Colin missed his dad a lot but his mother did not seem to be aware of how Colin felt Both Richard and Colin decided to run away to make things work. Richard ran away from home as he thought that his action would make life more pleasant for everyone. Colin wants to run away to find his dad whom he misses a lot. He does three paper rounds to save money and will leave when he is old enough The two characters suffered much pain and sorrow. No one cared how they felt. Running away is not a solution. But, it may have been the best option for the both of them, as they had no one to advise them Point Of View In the novel Step by Wicked Step by Anne Fine, the story is mostly written in the first person point of view Richard wrote his story in his diary/album so it is in the first person point of view. We as readers learn of the events in his life through his eyes. We know from his writing that he had come home to find Charlotte’s letter, but we do not whether he decided to stay or leave Old Harwick Hall Claudia, too, told her story through her point of view. We only know her feelings and thoughts and not of her mother, father, granny and Stella. We know that Claudia sympathized Stella for the guests’ cold treatment, but we do not know how Stella truly felt Pixie also tells her story through her own point of view. We know all her thoughts as she speaks. For instance, from her point of view, we find that the actions of the other characters annoy her. Pixie is annoyed with most of Hetty’s actions like calling her Priscilla, rolling the cat on the carpet like a sausage and sniffing while reading Writing the story in the first point of view helps us as readers to understand the story better. We get first-hand knowledge of the characters’ feelings, thoughts and decisions A Character That Changed After An Event In the novel Step by Wicked Step by Anne Fine, a character that has changed due to certain events in his life is Colin Colin changed into an unhappy and lonely boy when his mother decided to move. He had to start at another school. It was an unpleasant experience as everyone ignored him as they had their own set of friends already. Besides that, his mother was busy with work and was always too tired to listen to Colin’s problems Colin became a dreamy boy because he missed his dad. Every night, he would hold on to his dad’s tobacco tin and hum their favorite song. He pretended his dad was around. This habit caused him to have less focus in class and do badly in school Being apart from his dad made Colin become very resourceful. He did three paper rounds to earn enough money to search for his dad when he is old enough At first, Colin responded negatively to the changes in his life. He was sad and dreamy. But at last, he decided that he must do something in order to see his dad again. This shows that he is optimistic and is determined in finding his dad Family And Relationship Portrayed In the novel Step by Wicked Step by Anne Fine, Richard’s family is portrayed to have a strong sense of love Richard showed that he had strongly loved his family. Although he ran away and vanished, he still came by the house twice to catch a glimpse of his mother and sister Richard’s mother, Lilith was the first to show her love and devotion. She spent a fortune seeking for Richard and suffered Reverend Coldstone’s anger as their money lessened. She died of broken heart because of her undying love for her son, Richard Charlotte, too, showed her love and devotion. She wanted to keep searching for Richard after her mother’s death, but had no money of her own. So, she married a rich man she did not love because he promised to help her find Richard Love leads to reunion and healing in a family. We should love our family unconditionally and be prepared to make sacrifices for them An Interesting Event In the novel Step by Wicked Step by Anne Fine, an event that I find interesting is when Robbo gave Dumpa an ice lolly This event is interesting because it showed how smart kids could be. Robbo gave the ice lolly to Dumpa because he wanted Dumpa to not be out in the cold. However, Dumpa outsmarted them by not eating it and stayed outside with Roy It is also interesting because it led Robbo, Callie and their mother talking realistically about their conflict. Robbo said that he was fed up with the whole situation and Callie confessed that she could never get along with Roy Lastly, this event is interesting because it brought a good change to Robbo’s family. Callie wanted to move to their dad’s house, so their mother helped made it more comfortable for her. In return, their dad agreed to look after Dumpa to let their mother and Roy have a break It is important for all of us to be honest to each other. Pretending that everything is all right will not make things better. But once everyone is honest about their feelings, it is easier to make things work for everybody A Character That I Admire In the novel Step by Wicked Step, written by Anne Fine, the character that I admire is Claudia. There are many reasons why I admire her very much First of all, I admire Claudia because she is a gentle person. Listening to Richards sad story makes her weep. Besides, she is loyal to her mother. She tries not to sound too happy when speaking to her father because she does not want to hurt her mothers feeling. She rejects Stella and refuses to enjoy her time with her father out of loyalty to her mother. She knows that her parent’s break-up is serious even though her mother sounded cheerful Apart from that, I really admire Claudia because she is a fair and sensible person. She does not blame Stella for her parents break-up. At the dinner party, she thinks that the guests are rude for not appreciating Stellas hard work. She realizes that ignoring Stella would not help solving matters between her parents. Feeling sorry for Stella who is being ignored by the guests, she decides to help her get accepted by showing off the green pajamas that Stella gave her. In a nutshell, the character that I admire from Step by Wicked Step is Claudia because she is gentle, loyal, fair and sensible. I think we could learn a lot from her character. In The Midst Of Hardship Scratches – Cuts on the body/limbs Despair – Hopelessness Horrendous – Awful, dreadful Bloated – Swollen Carcasses – Dead bodies Chips – Broken pieces
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